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Lori Jones

Hello there,
About 3 years ago, or so...I was going through a horrible seperation and divorce.
I found your blog and read with a burning need for anwers.
I wanted to let you know that you helped me more than know!
I am now in a wonderful marriage to an old friend. Our relationship is such a blessing!!
The people that follow you, if anything like me, are hurting and looking for guidance of any sort. I would like to let them know that happiness is out there when you least expect it! To remain hopeful. and to follow the road to wherever it may lead.
I am glad to find your blog again, very pleased to see you are happy!!


Apparently, she doesn't check in with her blog very often. That's too bad, because she had a nice following.


OHHHH Susannah!!
You started a wonderful blog with people following you and babe..you dropped the ball.
I know that life gets hectic, but if you do not plan on keeping tabs on YOUR blog..then let the people know.
Good luck in life.


I completely agree. I have followed her postings from way back when, and she has not even bothered to respond!
I won't even read her anymore...


Oh, so sorry to see these old comments! THANK YOU for reading. I have been really busy with real life...and you know, when you are happy, it is always easier not to write. But now, I am going to try to post here more often. Hugs, S

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