So I put an ad on Craigslist and met some guys. Of course what started as a flood of responses turned into a trickle of possible people. Of the 6-8 I narrowed it down to, I chatted with one who did not seen that interested in getting together, left a voice mail for another who never called back, and then held off on calling a couple of others because I wasn't sure. So I called and ending up agreeing to meet two of them--Derek and Mark---and I met Mark last night. And he is kind of interesting to me.
We met for a drink and spent a couple of easy hours together, then kissed when he walked me to my car. He's out of a long married, multiple kids in college, native california and super techie geek, but with what looks like a warm, easy heart. We ageeed I am way more sophisticated than he is--but there is something about him--the smarts, the warmth, that is interesting. And, best of all, he is both unattached and not eager to rush into a grand passion (always a good sign of stability).
So, explorations will continue.
As for Derek, he looks gorgeous in the pictures he sent me. Musician, no money, kind of dreamy, and sounds very nice. Do I meet him or not? The being broke thing seems like a deal killer and I have this fear he is good looking but kind of strange in ways our call would not I am debating..I usually trust my intuition. (But his pictures are so cute.) TBD on that one.
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