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Lisa Williams

God, what a jerk he is being! Aaaarrrggh!

Okay, and the whole "must be Republican thing"?? I know several Republicans who I consider to be intellectually honest, but there seems to be a whole syndrome loose in our country that I notice in politics and in personal life. The syndrome combines a demand that everyone treat the person as utterly respectable along with complete moral amnesia about past and continuing bad behavior; and if you bring up the bad behavior, you're the bad guy or gal and it's your motives, not theirs, that are questioned. Weirdly, such people often end up making us feel bad, when we have done nothing wrong; we often end up feeling guilty or angry, or really stupid at being duped somehow.

This is a classic addict/alcoholic maneuver, by the way; when I see it at work I often wonder, "What are they addicted to that I don't know about?"

Such people are A) incredibly convincing (we're not predisposed to think everyone is lying anyway) and B) have a lot of practice at hiding and protecting their addictions and compulsions. Those come first, not people.

Aaargh! I totally want to smack this guy. It would be so satisfying to leave a flaming bag of dog poop on his front steps, ring the doorbell, and run away.

When I think about this stuff, though, I remember that such people's lives are their own punishment. It's a miserable life.

But they often hurt lots of people, and...yes, let's get the flaming bag of poop! I have a dog, even!

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